A ‘Frightening’ Myth About Sex Offenders  

Just weeks before the U.S. Supreme Court justices return from summer break a continuing controversy threathttps://www.nytimes.com/video/opinion/100000005415081/a-frightening-myth-about-sex-offenders.html ens the court’s credibility.  Did they play fast and loose with the facts in several landmark sex offense cases?   A new video that just went live on the New York Times website will tell you plenty, click on the link below.  Also below are several stories with more information.  –Bill Dobbs, The Dobbs Wire
A ‘Frightening’ Myth About Sex Offenders

New York Times Op-Doc by David Feige
Our harsh treatment of sex offenders is based on flawed social science
See the VIDEO:
The Washington Post | March 9, 2017
The big lie about sex offenders
By Radley Balko
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2017/03/09/the-big-lie-about-sex-offenders/?utm_term=.6a04841b4ad5 Slate | March 7, 2017
The Supreme Court’s Sex-Offender Jurisprudence Is Based on a Lie
By David Feige
Three Pinocchios:  Justice Alito’s misleading claim about sex offender rearrests
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2017/06/21/justice-alitos-misleading-claim-about-sex-offender-rearrests/?utm_term=.b4e7486e8ade New York Post | March 1, 2017
Do sex offenders have a right to free speech?
By Lenore Skenazy